Many people do not even know what will be behind the massive increase in global warming,, the pollution that we human beings do,, that one day will come over our will and destroy us,, I guess, its the greatest danger that will happen in our life time,, if not then the future will not always carry something good for us. Just from what I understand is that sun rays will be more directed towards the sun and without the Ozone layer, the rays is more concentrated on our selves, skin,,eyes,,and body as a whole which is not good,,this is because its UV rays, the worse rays that strikes and can cause bad diseases. And whats more,, aside from these minor causes that many people do not pay attention too which does concern them is the melting of Ice in Arctic,,in which the ice is getting thinner, melting and rupturing day after the other, and the polar ice cap is shrinking,, the idea behind the ice melting is that the Earth will be absorbing more of the sunlight and will get hotter and this will have a bad effect on many of the wildlife and plants,,and People as well will suffer.. WHy not pay attention to something like this??why isnt there any attention given by governments in every country?? for the people?? for those who would like to help but they dont know how?? The temperature is rising and one day there will be no time to fix the past mistakes!!!