It suddenly came to my mind, if one day I could have the chance to travel the moon, or anywhere in space, mm..strange!! will it be fun. Since I was in school I was always confused of what major I would choose to join when I get to college, Chemistry and Physics were two of my favourite subjects and I was interested to proceed my studies to higher level and get involved in the science subjects and major. I dreamt of being part of NASA team and work there one day, It was totally interesting to me to imagine that I would be part of a famous discovery or New invention, or even be named as one of those scientists who had the chance to travel to Mars or the Moon. I am always an adventurous person who seek any new dangerous situation to place my self in, and after that, I tend to thank god for letting me being part of such situation and gaining experience. Many people argue, why spend billions of dollars to explore the space, while instead improve our lives here on earth, I'm not disagreeing with there fact that we're not living an ideal life, but space I guess is worth discovering, its worth discovering what God has created in the outer world and giving ourselves the chance this wonderful creation of the solar system that is made with no single mistake or doubt. I am also wondering how will it be to ride a space rocket, will it be breathtaking, new worthy experience, or what exactly?? I think its a chance not to be missed! I have been hearing of the loss of space shuttles and its crew, but in the end even though, its worth a try!
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