Mars explorations has gone too far from our imagination, many people doesnt even know what NASA is up too with Mars, and that they marked three years of explorations up till now... THREE YEARS ON MARS, alot to say about this planet,, I was first grabbed with my attention when I heard that scientist are exploring Mars as a new planet to live in, other than on Earth planet,, that was weird!! to even realize that people can easily be travelling from planet to planet, or shifting to another planet, or even to be normal that every body can ride a rocket or space shuttle.The NASA scientists wanted to find out if life can be found on Mars, as it is that only planet that is partly similar to Earth, after Earth it is the most hospitable planet in the solar system. Air and sun was available and water was there main concern, it was so clear that water was found on Mars, and the conditions necessary for life to originate on the planet was being discovered and till now it is,, but due to the climate changes it is hard to find out if life could be possible in such planet, therefore, Mars climate orbiter was being discovered but infact, many times it was reported to be lost.
It has been nine years and 52 days in which NASA's Mars Global surveyor operated in orbit around Mars, longer that any other spacecraft to Mars and long enough to complete three extensions of its original two-year mission, and now there are reports saying that it is likely the Mars spacecraft is lost. Everyday there are new updates and following them makes one's mind so eager to know more details about the missions and cover the sequence of its events.
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