Thursday, May 31, 2007

Blue moon on the rise!!!

what do you think of this!! yes a blue moon ,,the very same moon we know,,,but something was really worth seeing on the 30th of May..well let me tell you exactly what does that mean?? Some almanacs and calendars assert that when two full Moons occur within a calendar month, that the second full Moon is called the "Blue Moon",, both moons actually looks exactly the same but the moon can change color at certain condition...this term actually has an origin which comes from the phrase "once in a blue moon"which was noted in 1824 which actually referred to the uncommon that might happen every several year...such as the blue moon ...ecllipses and all things that might not occur daily...

And for those who doesnt know how the moon was actually created,,,its crash between a rock in the size of Mars,slammed into Earth and thus the moon was created..

That what recently been published about the moon and I promise to have you informed with many amazing facts about the moon,,it worth it!!

Monday, May 28, 2007

Weird Saturn Moons!!

Its really weird that Saturn moons proved to be weirder than the planet itself..its one odd moon that was found in signs of water geysers and methane lakes that are cloudy..the picture is hilarious showing the creation of the outerspace in such a systematic way,,,,and Thank god for the chance that has been given to every human being to see this creation without actually travelling far away ,,,, and the scientists who has given all the effort to bring it nearer as much as is really amazing to see the sequence of colors that are shown in the pictures and if someone comes to tell me how fashion designers are so creative in desiging new cloths with new colors for every season,,,I would say,,they actually do not create the season color but it is actually available aorund us,,and they just pic it up to be...

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Catching Stardust!!!

Stardust,,something new I've never heard of before,,,but that what was published by NASA in 2006,,,in which after 7 years in space NASA'a stardust probe returned home with pieces of a comet,,,I didnt know there are piece of comet before,,,thats what they call the stardust...they stored the samples in aerogel to save them before parachuting down.
That what I used to say since I started my blog...its a none ending world of discoveries and new inventions,,,its quiet informative to an extent that u really need to be regulary searching for the new discoveries to be updated..

Monday, May 21, 2007

First female space tourist

The first female space tourist made history in 2006,,Anousheh Ansari her name,,when she made her first trip to space after visiting the International space station...well, she spent 10 days in orbit,,,for her I guess these days where the best 10 days in her life because first of all,, she's the first female to do so...and second is actually doing it,,"Travelling To Space",,,we re in the 21st century and we havent done it yet..Thats Fantabulous!!

Friday, May 18, 2007

what would YOU do if you saw a UFO??

Imagine yourself lying down on the beach and its midnight and you are deelpy thinking,,,and suddenly while you have a quick glance into the saw a UFO!!! what is it?? well the UFO is a space ship that has some space creatures driving it...thats all what I learned about it in school...yeah....something imaginary but its really cool and nice to have some imagination since we live in such a routine everyday and we need some change or something new that might happen to our not a matter of whether a UFO is something real or not,,,its actually something different than we are and brings as I might feel some happiness to our life if we think about it,,,,UFO's are definitly imaginary since I never saw one and no matter whoever tells me they saw one I wont believe them...but I would be interested to listen to there stories and develop more of my imagination because its simply interesting!! So why not imagine that you saw a UFO and just express how it looked like to see till where your imagination goes!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Rarely Seen!!!

Have a look at this Picture..Imagine!!,,,day light in one country and the Night in the other side,,,if u come to think how does this happen,,you can really turn out to be insane,,,but I think there isnt a thing called hard to the creator of the world and the whole solar system and beyond,,,Let me tell you something,,,what do you think it really looks in the exact point when the Earth is moving around and the sun is at a point when it shines and darkness on the otherside.... I cant say anything except being amazed with our creator "GOD" giving us day and night,,,lightness and darkness...dusk and dawn,,,the parts of the day that we work, sleep and rest,,and the change in climate...thats really...well I think there is no one word to describe my feelings...

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Great Beyond..

While I was reading a magazine this afternoon,, I came through a tiny columb which says experience travelling to space by just wearing a specialized suit that makes you feel the same experience as if you really did,,thats marvellous...I came to think that really discoveries has no even came to the extend that you can experience something that
was really beyond your thinking,,,it can be a dream come true,,but as usuall,,there isnt
something new and tremendous like this without me telling you how much does the suit cost,,well it 250,000 $ really..come on its something really new and your life is guaranteed...but the idea is actually not adopting to me...Because I actually do know that am not in real space and the fear of space will not bother me,,,but actually I dont know,,,MAYBE!!!

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Would You???

It was thursday evening around 6:30,,when I came back from college,,Soo tired!! all I wanna do is to sleep and forget all what I've been through the whole day..but no,,I cant, its been a habit that the moment I enter the house I have to switch on the TV and I did,,,so i turned it on and it was news and I layed on bed and luckly it was the anchor interviewing people on street and the question was "If you had 270,000 $ would you like travel for a vacation to space?"...Ohh lucky me,,,I was so glad to catch up with this part,,and see what people actually would do,,and offcourse no one had to deny that they all which to try this new, crazy, and extraordinary experience,,but "IF" they had the cash...And after that the anchor went on asking a number of people and announced that the first Emirate guy is doing it this summer,,,The first Arab Emirate guy to travel to space...offcourse he had the cash and why not try it...but honestly i guess this gonna get beyond anything he experienced in life...Too see the outside..the earth from above..nice step and I really wish this man to be interviewed after his amazing tell what was is like and that I could catch it up luckly like this one,,,So would you like to have a trip to space if you could afford it??? :)

Monday, April 30, 2007

Danger!! Great Danger..

Many people do not even know what will be behind the massive increase in global warming,, the pollution that we human beings do,, that one day will come over our will and destroy us,, I guess, its the greatest danger that will happen in our life time,, if not then the future will not always carry something good for us. Just from what I understand is that sun rays will be more directed towards the sun and without the Ozone layer, the rays is more concentrated on our selves, skin,,eyes,,and body as a whole which is not good,,this is because its UV rays, the worse rays that strikes and can cause bad diseases. And whats more,, aside from these minor causes that many people do not pay attention too which does concern them is the melting of Ice in Arctic,,in which the ice is getting thinner, melting and rupturing day after the other, and the polar ice cap is shrinking,, the idea behind the ice melting is that the Earth will be absorbing more of the sunlight and will get hotter and this will have a bad effect on many of the wildlife and plants,,and People as well will suffer.. WHy not pay attention to something like this??why isnt there any attention given by governments in every country?? for the people?? for those who would like to help but they dont know how?? The temperature is rising and one day there will be no time to fix the past mistakes!!!

Friday, April 27, 2007

What a global warming thing!!!

Its something I can't even imagine...since the year 2000, and I feel something is wrong with the weather, it was suppose that every October the weather has to be great, its fall, nice moderate weather in Cairo,,,but what?? its not anymore,,winter is being delayed every year till mid December and ends up in April,,wow thats really annoying,,, and suddenly you are like in August, Hot,,Sweaty,,Sunny,,full of dust with some car smoke and you just feel you want to faint out,, Am so sad that weather is getting worse every year here in Cairo,, the only country that had the best weather ever,,and the main reason I had to talk about when I come to invite people to visite,,hard luck Cairo but that what we call the global warming that has been invited to destroy our weather and life as well. I came to think that global warming is due to reaction of gasses in the atmosphere and thus it destroys the Ozone layer that cover the Earth,,that what I learned in School,, but I also knew that the more rockets and space ships travels out of Earth it destroys the Ozone layer as well,, which means that Space discoveries could be one of the reason for global warming..that is sad too!! I really like to follow up with NASA's discoveries to see what will be with the future on Earth as well. However, in order not to have a shock I try to convince myself that the world we live in isn't okay and some day we will pay what we try to cover up now in something bad that will definetly not be to our favor!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Earth's Moon

To land on the Moon, is anyone dream,,, picture yourself as one of the people who one day can reach such place,, its hilarious. NASA has been discovering the Moon since a decade, it marked its first landing on Moon by America's effort,, this wonderful and miraculous piece in the sky is in my opinion the best part that grabbed my attention, althought I always ask my self why does it grab my attention as long as it doesnt effect me personally,, but I realized that it does,, i just think about the benefits of the Moon and I get more excited...the way people might schedule the day and month...its the time you ponder through the Moon and think deeply that effect one's life,,and really gives a great satisfaction to see this lovely piece in the sky that is larger than anything in the world and so far from our reach, and yet you see it as a small thing that is nearer to your face and even to your heart,,its walking along with you,, although its not,,what is better than watching the moon in the empty sky in a lonely night?? That's why I have been more wanting to know about the Moon and what is found in this empty planet,,,the NASA team has discovered alot of things about this regular daily and monthly rhythms of Earths only natural satellite which has stabilized the Earth's wobble and lead to much more stabe climate for billions of years.....Which is even more Interesting!!! Is that the Moon came to be the Moon when a Mars-sized body once hit the Earth and the result from both the Earth and the impacting body accumulated to form the moon,,,what an amazing theory,,it was found too that the moon has been formed since 4.5 billion years ago,,,there are much more to learn about our Moon and even more explorations that NASA is heading too!!!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

The Polar Frost..Mars!!

Mars explorations has gone too far from our imagination, many people doesnt even know what NASA is up too with Mars, and that they marked three years of explorations up till now... THREE YEARS ON MARS, alot to say about this planet,, I was first grabbed with my attention when I heard that scientist are exploring Mars as a new planet to live in, other than on Earth planet,, that was weird!! to even realize that people can easily be travelling from planet to planet, or shifting to another planet, or even to be normal that every body can ride a rocket or space shuttle.The NASA scientists wanted to find out if life can be found on Mars, as it is that only planet that is partly similar to Earth, after Earth it is the most hospitable planet in the solar system. Air and sun was available and water was there main concern, it was so clear that water was found on Mars, and the conditions necessary for life to originate on the planet was being discovered and till now it is,, but due to the climate changes it is hard to find out if life could be possible in such planet, therefore, Mars climate orbiter was being discovered but infact, many times it was reported to be lost.

It has been nine years and 52 days in which NASA's Mars Global surveyor operated in orbit around Mars, longer that any other spacecraft to Mars and long enough to complete three extensions of its original two-year mission, and now there are reports saying that it is likely the Mars spacecraft is lost. Everyday there are new updates and following them makes one's mind so eager to know more details about the missions and cover the sequence of its events.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

New Day to come!

It suddenly came to my mind, if one day I could have the chance to travel the moon, or anywhere in space, mm..strange!! will it be fun. Since I was in school I was always confused of what major I would choose to join when I get to college, Chemistry and Physics were two of my favourite subjects and I was interested to proceed my studies to higher level and get involved in the science subjects and major. I dreamt of being part of NASA team and work there one day, It was totally interesting to me to imagine that I would be part of a famous discovery or New invention, or even be named as one of those scientists who had the chance to travel to Mars or the Moon. I am always an adventurous person who seek any new dangerous situation to place my self in, and after that, I tend to thank god for letting me being part of such situation and gaining experience. Many people argue, why spend billions of dollars to explore the space, while instead improve our lives here on earth, I'm not disagreeing with there fact that we're not living an ideal life, but space I guess is worth discovering, its worth discovering what God has created in the outer world and giving ourselves the chance this wonderful creation of the solar system that is made with no single mistake or doubt. I am also wondering how will it be to ride a space rocket, will it be breathtaking, new worthy experience, or what exactly?? I think its a chance not to be missed! I have been hearing of the loss of space shuttles and its crew, but in the end even though, its worth a try!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Introducing Discoveries

Its all about the things that have been grabbing my interest recently, sceince, new inventions, discoveries, technology, and more specifically NASA agency which stands for National Aeronautics and Space Adminstration, this agency explore, develops and discovers the space. I have been totally astonished my the amazing space technology and exploration that NASA agency has discovered and the daily basis updates of new things being tracked in the space, from new planets to rocks to developing a space shuttle that flies into the space and take pictures of the wonderful world that lies beneath our reach. Its more than enough that you imagine the developing of the first weather and communication satellites, the Terra and Aqua Satellites which is designed to help us understand how our home world changes. Added to this, the imorovement made to make aircraft travel safer and less polluting and the researches that has led to life improvement here on Planet Earth. I have been updated with NASA's missions regularly these past months which made me more eager to know what they have been up to from day to day. There are four principles of organizations that does different missions, the Aeronautics which improves flight technologies, Exploration system which create new capabilities for human and robotic explorations, Science which explores Earth, Moon, Mars and beyond, and lastly is Space operations which provide enabling technologies through space shuttle, space station and flight support. Its so stunning to get to know what really scientists discover and whats the technology brings to us from new things we might never get to know one day.